Ok, I’m about to say a cliché statement but – can y’all believe 2017 is over?! This year has literally flown by & has 100% without a doubt been the best of my life! I love doing a reflection blog post every year, if for no other reason than one day when I’m old & gray, to have this to look back on (do y’all think blogs will still be a thing when I’m old & gray?! I sure hope so, lol!). Be sure to read my 2016 reflection post HERE.
So as I was saying, 2017 has been QUITE the year!!! THE most special and important moment of my year was marrying the love of my life on April 22, 2017! We have been married for 8 months and I have to thank the Lord every day for blessing me with KT for my husband. Our wedding day was everything I could have ever dreamed for (in large part thanks to my precious parents who worked so hard to make sure everything was perfect), and our honeymoon was also an absolute blast (thanks to my amazing in-laws), however I have to say that day-to-day life with my hubby has been the best part. I am so thankful that God joined us as life partners because my husband definitely provides the perfect balance in my life and in all the ways I need him. Not to mention, he has been there for me and truly supported me through all of life's moments, no matter how big or small. He cheered me on through school, job searching, and also through blogging. God is so good and I am so thankful.

Another HUGE moment of my life this year was graduating Family Nurse Practitioner school from Vanderbilt University! I have had the dream in my heart of being a primary care provider since I was a very little girl, and this year, my dream finally came true. Through my journey as a nurse, and then as a NP student, I have learned so many invaluable things that I know I will carry with me in my profession FOREVER. In the process, I have also made LIFELONG friends who I consider more like family. If you follow me over on Instagram (you can by clicking HERE), you know that I have been meeting up with my “nursing family” recently who I worked with as a nurse tech and then as a RN for 3.5 years. We love to catch up over lunch, and it’s crazy how we just pick up right where we left off! I know I have lifelong friends/family in these special ladies!!!!
{Image source here}
Another way I feel the Lord has blessed me this past year is being able to share with y’all more on my blog. As you may know if you have followed my little corner of the blogging world for a while, I started this blog way back in 2011. Through my educational journey and also working as a nurse tech then a RN during school, I unfortunately was not able to blog as much as I wanted. However late in 2016 I decided to start pursuing my passion once again as I feel this blog has been a great outlet for me to share my love for fashion and just my life in general with you all. I have been blessed this year with more opportunities for Ashley's Passion for Fashion, and I look forward to seeing where this year takes me!
Photo shoot with Studio 6 Chatt! See more of this look here!
Hosted a BeYOUtiful Girls Night Out in collab with Goody's alongside the beautiful Brooke of KBStyled (check out her blog HERE and a recap of the event HERE)
Summer styling event with fab'rik! Read about it here!
Fall event with fab'rik (read about it here!)
My first collab with SheIn (Read about this look here)
One of my favorite posts last year! My 29th B-Day Post (Read it HERE)
In 2018, I pray for the Lord's continued guidance in my marriage, relationships with friends & family, career, blog, and just every single aspect of my life. I have learned in 2017 just how important it is to TRULY rely on Him no matter your circumstance and no matter if you understand why you are going through what you are going through. The Lord HAS a perfect plan for your life and we are asked to trust in Him.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
I pray that you, my lovely readers, have many many blessings in 2018!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for following along with me. It seriously means the WORLD to me. Here is to a wonderful 2018!!!
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