My New Favorite Hair Product (Plus an OOTD)!!!

June 9, 2013

Confession: I have curly, frizzy, and at times...UNRULY hair. 

As a child, I had legit ringlets & Mom would just wash my hair, let it air dry, and it would not frizz!! I don't know what happened between then and now, but I have tried literally COUNTLESS products after I wash my hair to try to control the frizz. A curling iron has always tamed it and is usually how I smoothed it, but I could never wear it straight without frizz.

Three weeks ago I was getting my hair done (goodbye dark roots, hello blonde) & the best hairdresser in the world (seriously she gave me my first haircut when I was in the 3rd grade. I love her!) told me about a new hair product called "Crack"....yes, you read that right. Crack. 

Image source
I know, I know, it's a pretty funny name but the results that this product give are out of this world!! If you're like me and have frizzy hair, you HAVE to try this product. I have pretty thick hair so I use quite a bit (probably about 2 big drops) and rub it between my palms so it has a smooth appearance. I evenly distribute it through my hair right after I get out of the shower, and blow dry it with my brush. I then straighten it with my Chi straightener and there is no frizz. It's really my hair miracle!!!

Of course I had to include an OOTD with straight hair!! The look below is definitely a go-to look for a warm summer day with a sundress and sandals!!! 

Dress: NY & Co.
Bow Sandals: Naughty Monkey (check them out here
Necklace: Francesca's

So what are your go-to favorite hair products?! Leave me a comment and let me know!!!

Oh, and check out Crack HERE!!! Thanks so much for reading dolls!!!



  1. I am going to have to try this porduct out! i am always looking for great hair products since i have curly hair. I love that shade of green on you and those sandles are oh so cute!!

    1. Girl let me know if you decide to try it and what you think. It has worked great to smooth out my hair!!! :) Thanks so much for the comment as always, love! XOXO

  2. Adorable necklace! And your hair looks great! How do you like the Chi straightener? I've been thinking about getting a new one and have heard great things about them. Love your blog and followed you on bloglovin'. Hope you can return the favor :)

    xx Elizabeth
    Champaign Taste

    1. Thanks so much for commenting and following, doll!! :) I LOVE my Chi straightener; I would highly recommend it! I have had mine for years and it's great quality. It also smooths my hair and gets rid of the frizz really well. It's a great investment!!! :)

  3. I am so jealous of your tan!! You look great! That green is perfect for you!

  4. You are too sweet! I'm loving your dress! It's an incredible color on you for sure. :)

  5. You look really gorgeous with your green dress! I love love love your necklace so much! Great combination!

    Hope you visit me on my blog

    1. Thank you SO much doll! :) I just read your latest and left you a comment. You have such a lovely blog with great style! I'm your latest follower! XOXO

  6. You look beautiful! The green dress is very pretty & lovely necklace! :)

  7. wow you look amazing
    wanna follow each other via gfc and bloglovin?
    kisses glamourzone

    1. Thank you SO very much! :) I'm your newest follower, doll!!! I appreciate you stopping by! XOXO

  8. Surf from bubble & bubble!!! The best

    P.S. you look fabulous! xxx

    1. Bumble & Bumble makes some great hair products!!! :) Thanks SO much for stopping by and commenting!! :)

  9. Love the green dress!


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